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Advanced Rules

Before you read the Advanced rules, you should have read through the basic ruls and preferably played the basic game a few times. If you haven't read the basic rules, click here to go to the basic rules page.

The Advanced rules introduces 2 new cards, these are:

  • Adventure Cards
  • Item Cards
The advanced rules also explain more about character cards and the uniqueness rule. There's also a more detailed breakdown of "The Steps of Your Turn".

Adventure Cards

Adventure cards are a kind of card you can play to give your opponent a challenge to overcome. You don’t need any lessons on the table to play Adventure cards, but you do have to use 2 Actions to play them instead of 1. Each player can only have one Adventure in play at a time, so if you already have an Adventure in play, you can’t play another one.

An Adventure card has three parts:

Effect: This is what the Adventure does as long as it’s in play.

To Solve: This is what your opponent needs to do to solve the Adventure. She can do this any time during her turn after she’s drawn her first card, but she has to solve the Adventure all at once, not one piece at a time (unless the card specifically says otherwise).

Opponent’s Reward: If your opponent solves the Adventure, she’s the school hero! The Adventure card will say what her reward is. Then you put the Adventure in your discard pile.

Item Cards

Items are a lot like Creatures: you need to have a certain amount of Power to play them, and then once you play them they stay on the table (unless some card tells you to discard them). Some Items (Wands and Cauldrons) give you extra Power – just like Lessons, but even better. Other Items have all sorts of different effects.

More About Character Cards

When you play the Harry Potter TCG, you always start with a character in play that represents you. In the advanced game, you can also have other Character cards in your deck. Just like Adventure cards, you play a Character card by using up 2 Actions, and it doesn’t matter if you have any Lessons or not. Once you’ve played a Character card, you can use its special ability. Whether it’s the Character you started with or one you played during the game, you can use the ability any time after you’ve drawn your first card. Your starting Character is special in another important way: it can never be discarded from play for any reason. For example, if a card tells you to discard three cards from play, you can’t pick your starting character as one of those three. As long as the game is still going, your starting character is there – because it’s you!


All Character cards, and a few other special cards, say ‘Unique’ on them. This means there can be only one of them in play at a time. There’s one exception – if you and your opponent both have the same starting Character that’s fine. Otherwise, once a Unique card is in play, nobody else can play another copy of that same card.

'In Play'

Cards are described as ‘in play’ when they're on the table. The cards in your hand, deck, and discard pile are not in play. Cards that can be in play are printed sideways (Lessons, Creatures, Characters, Items, and Adventures); cards that can’t be in play are printed vertically (Spells). Unless the card says otherwise, whatever is written on the ‘sideways’ cards happens only while that card is in play. In general, there’s no limit to how many cards you can have in play. The only exceptions are Adventures (only one can be in play on each side at a time) and cards that are Unique.

The Steps of your Turn

  1. Before your turn. (If a card tells you to do something before your turn, do it now).
  2. You draw a card
  3. Your Creatures damage your opponent
  4. Use your 2 Actions.
  5. End of your turn. (If a card tells you to do something at the end of your turn, do it now).

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