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Gameboy Color - Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone

Released: 16th November 2001

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Developer: Argonaut

  • For 1 player (2 players with a link lead)

The Gameboy Color version of the Harry Potter game is a classic top-down RPG, full of puzzles to solve and battles to fight.

This is the game that follows the book most closely. You start in Diagon Alley where you have to find Hagrid, get your wand and start the game.

As you wander through the game you will have magical encounters which consists of fighting creatures in turn-based, pokemon-style battles. Of course you only start with two weak spells, but you learn more throughout the game.

There are puzzles to solve, which, when solved, will earn you new spells, house points to be earned and Famous Witches and Wizard Cards to be collected. Special card combinations will help you, both during battles and at other points too.

The GBC version has the best Harry Potter feel about it. There's loads of dialogue from the book, over 100 characters to interact with and over 85 locations to explore.

Unfortunately there's no Quidditch in this version but it certainly makes up for it with the rest of the game!

Click here to see more screenshots from the GBC version.

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