Basic TCG Rules
The Basic rules are what you have to use if you only have the two player starter set. The rules are good to use for beginners as they don't use Adventure cards, Item Cards or extra Character cards.
Each player must have a deck of exactly 60 cards plus a starting Witch or Wizard card.
The aim of the game is to make your opponent's deck run out of card. You do this by "damaging" your opponent with spells and magical creatures. When you damage you opponent, he or she has to discard cards from his or her deck.
First I'll go through the various card that are involved in the game.
- Character Cards: Each player must have a starting character that is a Witch or Wizard. Each character has a unique ability that can be used during the game.
- Lesson Cards: Lessons give you the power that you need to play other card. To play a lesson card, just take it from your hand and put it on the table.
Lessons stay 'in play' (on the table) once you've played them.
- Creature Cards: Creatures damage your opponent's deck, not other creatures. Creatures stay 'in play once you've played them.
A Creature card has 3 main parts:
Power needed: You must have this many lessons 'in play' to play this card, but only one of your lessons has to match the symbol.
Damage Each Turn: Your creature damages your oppnent's deck this much on each of your turns except the turn you played the card. This means your opponent must discard this many cards from the top of his or her deck.
Health: This is how many "hit-points the creature has. If your opponent's spelldoes this much damage or more to your creature, then your creature is knocked out and must be discarded.
- Spell Cards: To play a spell card, do what it says on the card and then put it in the discard pile. All spell cards are discarded as soon as you've played them. Power needed is the same as on creature cards, you must have the number of lessons stated but only one of them need to match the symbol.
Before you play, make sure you have enough room on the table for your deck, your discard pile, your character card, an area for lesson cards and an area for creature cards.
Take your deck, place your starting witch or wizard card on the table, shuffle your deck and put it on the table. Each player draws 7 cards for their starting hand and decide who goes first.
Steps of Your Turn
- Draw a card. This means take a card from the top of your deck and put it into your hand. This must be done first every turn.
- Damage you opponent with your Creatures that are already on the table. (You won't have any creatures in play on your first turn so skip this step).
- You now have 2 actions. When using an action you can:
- Play a Lesson Card
- Play a Creature Card (Make sure you have enough lessons in play).
- Play a Spell Card (Make sure you have enough lessons in play).
- Draw an extra card.
If you like, you can do the same Action twice instead of doing two different actions.
Enjoy the game!
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