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Introduction to the TCG

Here is a quick introduction to the Harry Potter Trading Card Game.

The main difference between the Harry Potter TCG and a regular card game (like "Go Fish" or "Rummy") is that each player uses his or her own deck of cards when playing instead of having a common deck that both players draw from. These decks can be made from any cards available for the game, so each deck is unique and can contain the player's favourite characters, creatures and spells or they can try to build a perfect deck, im other words unbeatable.

Another reason kids want the Harry Potter TCG is that, as the name implies, the cards are for trading. Kids trade these cards to each other, like baseball cards, so that they can complete ythe whole set. Some cards are rarer than other, which makes them more collectible, and more desired. In the Harry Potter TCG a small symbol is printed on each individual card to show how rare the card is. Rare cards have a star, uncommon cards have a diamond, and common cards have a circle.

Some kids might try to complete a set, collecting cards until they have all of them. Others might be trying to collect the best cards for their deck, then again, they just might want cards of their favourite characters from the books.

A New Game Every Time
Each time you plat the Harry Potter TCG you'll see that it's different to the last time you played it. This is because there are so many different cards in the game each with their own individual rules and you don't know which ones are going to be drawn from your deck.

Each time you play against a new opponent, you're playing against a different deck and a new way of playing the game. No 2 decks are the same so you can't continually use the same strategy to win, each game requires different tactics and you won't know what they are until you're playing the game.

Not Just a Game!
Like other card games, the Harry Potter TCG offers kids lots of fun, but it's also educational. Besides teaching strategic planning and problem solving, Harry Potter also stimulates a child's creativity by allowing them to design their own decks. The game also teaches how to play fair, follow rules, and how to win and lose graciously.

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