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Locations of Famous Witches and Wizard Cards

MerlinBookshelf nearest to the Fat Lady in Gryffindor Tower
Salazar SlytherinGreat Foyer (bookshelf near the door to Gryffindor Tower)
Cornelius AgrippaGreat Foyer (another bookshelf against the wall)
Derwent ShimplingGrounds (secret passage - discolored wall near the first Puffskein)
Newt ScamanderGrounds (secret passage - discolored wall near the Grounds Potrait)
Hengist of WoodcroftGrounds (secret passage - discolored wall next to the entrance to Gargoyle Gate)
Morgan Le FayGrounds (secret passage - one of discolored walls near the Quidditch Pitch)
Albus DumbledoreBehind Grounds Portrait
Edgar StroulgerDungeons (rescue Raymond's cat)
Bowman Wright, Cassandra Vablatsky, Godric GryffindorBookshelf in the side door in the Quirrell's trap (after the learning of 'Verdimillious')
Roderic PlumptonBookshelf (intersection of Potrait Room and the Attic)
Ignatia WildsmithGringott's (Knuts Vault)
Bertie BottGringott's (Sickles Vault)
Helga HufflepuffGringott's (Galleons Vaults)
Rowena RavenclawForbidden Forest (just right of the hill before finding Unicorn)
Harry PotterHospital Wing (after ALL the other cards are collected)

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