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Quidditch Cup Rules

Match Cards

To play a Match card you must use one action and have the required number of lessons in play. There can only be one Match in play at any time, this means that if you or your opponent already has a Match in play, neither of you can play another one.

A Match card has two parts, 'To Win' and 'Prize'

To Win: This is what a player needs to do in order to win the Match. Unlike solving Adventures, either player can win the Match, also you don't have to do everything to win the Match all at once. The damage can be done on any number of turns, This means that each player need to keep track of how much damage he or she has done towards winning the Match.

Prize: The winner of the Match gets the prize stated on the card. Once the Match is won, the card is put in the discard pile of the person who played it.


The uniqueness rule applies to 2 different cards that represent the same character. For example, if Harry the Seeker is in play, nobody can play Harry Potter or Harry the Seeker.

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